Prod­ucts espe­cially for manual cleaning

The following prod­ucts are highly recom­mended for such applications:

Solvent Safe­ty­Clean


High-boiling, solvent-based cleaning agent


Suit­able for all ink systems and effec­tive in the case of non-cross-linked paints; low-emission

Mate­rial: effec­tive on all common steel, stain­less steel surfaces, chromium, ceramic, aluminium, galva­nized parts and nonfer­rous metals. Plas­tics – only use after checking compatibility

Concen­tra­tion: ready-to-use

Solvent­Clean 7177


High-boiling, solvent-based cleaning agent


Cleaner based on low-emis­sion solvents; quick cleaning effects; for daily appli­ca­tion; also for cross-linked paints

Mate­rial: effec­tive on all common steel, stain­less steel, nonfer­rous metal, aluminium surfaces, chromium, ceramic and galva­nized parts. Plas­tics – only use after checking compatibility.

Concen­tra­tion: ready-to-use

AniClean R4


Highly alka­line, water-miscible cleaner concentrate


For water-based cleaning methods; partic­u­larly suit­able for removing of cross-linked paints; can be diluted with water

Mate­rial: effec­tive on all common steel, stain­less steel surfaces, ceramic, HDPE and Teflon. Aluminium, galva­nized parts, nonfer­rous metals, plas­tics – only use after checking compatibility.

Concen­tra­tion: ready-to-use